Hihihi....ketawa dengernya, atawa emang politik udah dibilang dari dulu KEJAM tapi masih aja orang orang itu bermain dengan masalah yang satu ini.
Kalau di tilik lagi asal muasalnya adalah W, kenapa W !!!!
karena cuman W yang bisa bikin dunia ini Indah, tapi W juga yang bikin dunia ini hancur....hahaha dilemakan, Antasari bukan hanya korban tapi bisa juga sebagai pelaku. Semua media mengatakan begitu, jadi tungguin aja yaaa....episode selanjutnya yeeeeeeee.
KPK nasibmu akankah jadi cerita doaaaaaaaaangggg?!@#$$#4
Mei 04, 2009
Maret 16, 2009
When Toothpaste is Not Enough Anymore
When toothpastes are no longer capable of giving people that shiny and bright smile, teeth whitening is the only alternative left.
Having the perfect white teeth have long been advertised by toothpaste and other tooth products. Due to the aggressive marketing that they use, it is no wonder why a lot of people are finding ways to whiten their teeth more. One of the options that they have is teeth whitening.
Once teeth whitening was found out to work effectively, more and more people are enticed to try them out for themselves. And due to this need, there are now a growing number of ways in which people can have their teeth whitened.
Some of these are:
1. Teeth whitening systems.
This is the process of teeth whitening that you can do yourself and at home. Teeth whitening systems usually consist of whitening gels that needs to be placed in your mouthpiece for specific number of times. In order to maintain its effectiveness, you have to make sure that you comply with the required amount and time that is dictated in the whitening system.
If you want to have your own whitening system, you need to have a minimum of $500 set aside as a budget. You can also opt for those that cost less than $100 but they do not work as well as its expensive counterpart.
Before you buy the whitening system, it is advised that you check out their labels first. Most of them are already approved by the American Dental Association so you need to look for their seal of approval.
Another thing that you need to keep in mind is to follow instructions to the letter. Do not go beyond what is required. You can always consult a dentist if you have queries regarding the whitening system that you are using.
2. Teeth whitening done by professionals.
This is by far the most effective means of teeth whitening. The procedure is assisted by a dentist so you can be assured that everything will be done properly.
There are steps that are needed to be taken before the actual teeth whitening. You first have to be examined by a dentist so they will decide if you need teeth whitening or not. Then he or she will suggest what type of teeth whitening will work effectively for you.
The dentist will then tell you what you can expect from the procedure. Every whitening session varies from case to case. There are those that tend to be more successful than the rest. This will all depend on the condition that the teeth and how effective the procedure will be.
Before an individual is treated for teeth whitening, the dentist will first have to clean the teeth to prepare them for the cleaning process. Then cavities are filled in. The teeth whitening process will begin once your dentist has checked that your gums are as healthy as can be.
The two types of teeth whitening is not an assurance that your teeth will remain permanently white. Take note that the process is only temporary. Teeth whitening needs to be done repeatedly so that you can maintain that shiny white for longer times.
Having the perfect white teeth have long been advertised by toothpaste and other tooth products. Due to the aggressive marketing that they use, it is no wonder why a lot of people are finding ways to whiten their teeth more. One of the options that they have is teeth whitening.
Once teeth whitening was found out to work effectively, more and more people are enticed to try them out for themselves. And due to this need, there are now a growing number of ways in which people can have their teeth whitened.
Some of these are:
1. Teeth whitening systems.
This is the process of teeth whitening that you can do yourself and at home. Teeth whitening systems usually consist of whitening gels that needs to be placed in your mouthpiece for specific number of times. In order to maintain its effectiveness, you have to make sure that you comply with the required amount and time that is dictated in the whitening system.
If you want to have your own whitening system, you need to have a minimum of $500 set aside as a budget. You can also opt for those that cost less than $100 but they do not work as well as its expensive counterpart.
Before you buy the whitening system, it is advised that you check out their labels first. Most of them are already approved by the American Dental Association so you need to look for their seal of approval.
Another thing that you need to keep in mind is to follow instructions to the letter. Do not go beyond what is required. You can always consult a dentist if you have queries regarding the whitening system that you are using.
2. Teeth whitening done by professionals.
This is by far the most effective means of teeth whitening. The procedure is assisted by a dentist so you can be assured that everything will be done properly.
There are steps that are needed to be taken before the actual teeth whitening. You first have to be examined by a dentist so they will decide if you need teeth whitening or not. Then he or she will suggest what type of teeth whitening will work effectively for you.
The dentist will then tell you what you can expect from the procedure. Every whitening session varies from case to case. There are those that tend to be more successful than the rest. This will all depend on the condition that the teeth and how effective the procedure will be.
Before an individual is treated for teeth whitening, the dentist will first have to clean the teeth to prepare them for the cleaning process. Then cavities are filled in. The teeth whitening process will begin once your dentist has checked that your gums are as healthy as can be.
The two types of teeth whitening is not an assurance that your teeth will remain permanently white. Take note that the process is only temporary. Teeth whitening needs to be done repeatedly so that you can maintain that shiny white for longer times.
Februari 11, 2009
Setuju dong pastinya dengan judul diatas selain merupakan harapan semua masyarakat juga akan menjadi komitmen seluruh partai politik sebagai peserta pemilu 2209
Hal ini telah ditetapkan oleh KPU juga menjadi kesepakatan partai peserta pemilu 2009.Jadwal tersebut seperti dilansir di salah satu blog yang juga sedang giat mengikuti kontes SEO yang bertajuk Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia2009. ya moga2 aja kecipratan hehehehe....
Pemilu taon ini diikuti oleh beberapa kontestan lama, kalau gak salah sekitar 34 Partai Politik,selain dihuni oleh wajah wajah lama juga ada beberapa parpol baru yg merupakan parpol lama yg telah berganti nama(tapi gw gak kebagian nasi kuningnya) dan hebatnya ada 6 partai politik asal negeri serambi mekah. Juga ada beberapa parpol yang tidak diloloskan oleh KPU dikarena oleh sesuatu hal. Beberapa partai yg termasuk gagal itu adalah :
Partai Reformasi,Partai Pembaruan Bangsa,Partai Demokrasi Perjuangan Rakyat,Partai Pemersatu Bangsa,Partai Demokrasi Kebangsaan Bersatu,Partai Republikan Indonesia,Partai Nurani Umat,Partai Kristen Indonesia 1945,Partai Indonesia Tanah Air Kita,Partai Persatuan Sarikat Indonesia,Partai Kasih,Partai Kongres,Partai Kristen Demokrat,Partai Bhinneka Indonesia,Partai Nusantara Kedaulatan Rakyat Indonesia dan Partai Merdeka.
Akhirulwakallam, semoga pemilu taon ini akan memberikan perubahan atau gak kemajuan yang berartilah buat rakyat Indonesia umumnya khusunya yaa buat gw kalee. Dan semoga kontes yang saat ini masih berlangsung(s/d Mei 2009) dgn keyword yg fenomal "KAMPANYE DAMAI PEMILU INDONESIA 2009". bisa memberikan tambahan penghasilan untuk yg mendapatkannya...Amien
Februari 09, 2009
Google Latitude : Cari tahu dimana lokasinya
Terobosan baru dari google, memudahkan kita untuk check keberadaaan dari orang yg kita cari seperti teman,orang tua,anak bahkan kambing juga bisa.
Tentunya orang atau kambing yg kita cari harus pegang HP dan sudah disetting sedemikian rupa untuk selalu memberikan ijin bila ada sambungan dari google attitude...eh latitude.
Jadi kapanpun dan dimanapun melalui koneksi tersebut dgn mudah kita mengetahui keberadaannya si kambing....ngiri gak tuchhhh.
GL dapat digunakan di HP ataupun notebook dan memungkinkan saling berhubungan satu sama lain. Untuk cara kerja biar GL yang nanganin, anda tinggal mendaftarkan nomer hape dan selanjutnya terserah anda.
Disamping itu GL juga sangat memperhatikan "privacy" jadi layanan ini memberikan kebebasan kepada pengguna untuk menjaga privacynya, seperti mematikan layanan tsb kapan aja, atau hanya sekedar ngasih tau lokasi, itu juga masih tergantung BTSnya.
Cuman......layanan yang canggih dan gretongan ini baru bisa dinikmati di beberapa negara kecuali INDONESIA.
Januari 31, 2009
Ada apa dengan kamu GOOGLE
Baru malam ini seluruh situs dianggap berbahaya oleh google.
demikian pesan yg tertera di bawah link situs yang kita cari
Hal ini cukup bikin gw takut juga, dari pada kenapa napa komputernya, berikut salah satu situs resmi yg memiliki pesan diatas.
percaya atau tidak dgn hal tsb, coba lagi untuk situs yang lain sama pula hasilnya. Ada apa dgn mu !!!
demikian pesan yg tertera di bawah link situs yang kita cari
Hal ini cukup bikin gw takut juga, dari pada kenapa napa komputernya, berikut salah satu situs resmi yg memiliki pesan diatas.
percaya atau tidak dgn hal tsb, coba lagi untuk situs yang lain sama pula hasilnya. Ada apa dgn mu !!!
Januari 17, 2009
Tinju Tendang Makian bebas di Termehek-Mehek
Sebuah acara yg tadinya dikemas dgn baik, niatan untuk membantu ehh..... sekarang gak lebih dari tayangan adu jotos, kayanye prensenter gak perlu sampe gitu dech.
Bukankah "TARGET" masih punya privacy yg gak seharusnya di acak-acak sesuka mereka.
Tampak bahkan krunya juga terlibat dalam emosi dengan pelaku reality show yang lain. Acara ini lebih tampak kebejatan kru Trans TV, kebejatan manusia, dan kesombongan investigasi. Kebejatan Kru Trans TV?. Ya… shoting cara begitu, begitu kasar dan kalau menurut asas normatif hukum, rasanya sudah melanggar hak privasi manusia (terlepas dari baik dan buruk).Juga sikap yg timbul secara spontanitas dari Host(C'wo ama C'we-nya juga sama aja alias SOK JAGOAN DAN SANGAT AROGAN.... apakah karena adanya dukungan dari crew dan beberapa bodyguard yg disewa???
Masiiiihhhhhhhh Panteskah ditayangkan !!!!!!!!!!!........Au ach Blebekkkkssss
Bukankah "TARGET" masih punya privacy yg gak seharusnya di acak-acak sesuka mereka.
Tampak bahkan krunya juga terlibat dalam emosi dengan pelaku reality show yang lain. Acara ini lebih tampak kebejatan kru Trans TV, kebejatan manusia, dan kesombongan investigasi. Kebejatan Kru Trans TV?. Ya… shoting cara begitu, begitu kasar dan kalau menurut asas normatif hukum, rasanya sudah melanggar hak privasi manusia (terlepas dari baik dan buruk).Juga sikap yg timbul secara spontanitas dari Host(C'wo ama C'we-nya juga sama aja alias SOK JAGOAN DAN SANGAT AROGAN.... apakah karena adanya dukungan dari crew dan beberapa bodyguard yg disewa???
Masiiiihhhhhhhh Panteskah ditayangkan !!!!!!!!!!!........Au ach Blebekkkkssss
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